CA-408 Panel booster all update Information with details

Hello, guys today here in this post I will tell you about the CA-408 Panel booster all updated Information with details. If you looking to get information on LCD LED TV panel booster CA-408, this is the right place for you. Read this article and get complete information of this panel booster.

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CA-408 Panel booster

What is CA-408 Panel Booster?

CA-408 is an electronics circuit board that is called a panel booster module. Because using this module we modify the LCD LED TV panel and repair the panel problem.

Actually this module we use when we getting voltage missing in the panel PCB, that time using this module we provide that particular voltage in the panel PCB and fix the problem.

Advantage of CA-408 Panel Booster Module

  • Easy to install in any normal LCD LED TV Panel.
  • Input voltage is 12V in both, which you get in the TV very easily.
  • have separate potentiometer for different output voltage.
  • You can set the output voltage according to your need.
  • Available in the local market with very chip price according to the panel price.
  • You can get it from an online store also.

Output Voltage of CA-408 Module

  1. VGL Voltage  You can adjust according to your need through a potentiometer.
  2. VCOM Voltage You can adjust according to your need through a potentiometer.
  3. AVDD Voltage You can adjust according to your need through a potentiometer.
  4. VGH Voltage You can adjust according to your need through a potentiometer.

BUY CA-408 Panel Booster

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FAQ of CA-408 Panel Booster

Can we get panel from this CA-408 module?

Yes you get can different type of panel voltage which you need during LCD led tv panel modification. In this post I have explain everything about ca-408 module just read it.

How many types voltage we get from CA-408 Module?

Total 4 different types of panel voltage you will get from this panel booster module. VHL, VGL, VCOM, and AVDD voltage you will generate with the help of this CA-408 module.

How to install CA-408 Module

This is very simple to install this CA-408 module. just provide input voltage and you will get the panel voltages from the output of this panel booster. For more information read this article very carefully.

About Dipankar Das

I am a Professional Electronics Technician, Blogger, Youtuber, Social Media Influencer, and founder of Dip Electronics LAB. I have profession on Electronics, PCB Designing, Project Making, Gadgets Repairing and 3D Printing. Keep visiting to get important information.

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