Hello, Guys today here in this post I will explain to you what is the difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller total information. If you want to look to get the latest information on Microprocessor and Microcontroller, this is the right place for you.
If you are an electronics student or if you are focused on microprocessors and microcontrollers, you should read this article carefully till the end.
What is Microprocessor?

The microprocessor is one of the most important components of a digital computer. It’s a programmable integrated device that has computing and decision-making capability. It acts as the control processing unit (CPU). It has a single CPU.
Also, It has three main parts. these three main parts are woks through the Address Bus. One is Input Device another one is Memory and the last one is the Output Device.
- Input Device: The input device is used to feed programs and data to the computer.
- Memory: The memory is used to storage device. It can store programs, results & data.
- Output Device: The output device display or prints programs and result according to the instruction given to the computer through an input device.
- The most important things about the Microprocessor application are classified into two categories. First reprogrammable system and second embedded system. it operates in binary digits, 0 and 1 also known as Bits. Bits is an abbreviation for the binary digit.
Some Important Intel Microprocessors
Microprocessor | Year of introduction | Word length | Pins | Remarks |
4004 | 1971 | 4bit | 16 | First Microprocessor |
8085 | 1976 | 8bit | 40 | Popular 8Bit Microprocessor |
8086 | 1978 | 16bit | 40 | Popular 16 Bit Microprocessor |
What is Microcontroller

A microcontroller is a chip optimized to control electronic devices. It is stored in a single integrated circuit that is dedicated to performing a particular task and execute one specific application.
It is a specially designed circuit for embedded applications and is widely used in automatically controlled electronic devices. It contains memory, processor, and programmable I/O.
Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller
SL NO | Differences |
1 | Microprocessor consists of only a Central Processing Unit, whereas Micro Controller contains a CPU, Memory, I/O all integrated into one chip. |
2 | Microprocessor Memory and I/O have to be connected externally, so the circuit becomes large. Memory and I/O are already present, and the internal circuit is small in Microcontroller. |
3 | The microprocessor uses an external bus to interface to RAM, ROM, and other peripherals, on the other hand, Microcontroller uses an internal controlling bus. |
4 | Microprocessor is used in Personal Computers whereas Micro Controller is used in an embedded system. |
5 | Microprocessor is complicated and expensive, with a large number of instructions to process but Microcontroller is inexpensive and straightforward with fewer instructions to process. |
6 | Microprocessors can’t use it in compact systems. whereas Micro Controller can use it in compact systems. |
Applications of Microprocessor
Microprocessors are mainly used in devices like:
- Calculators
- Accounting system
- Games machine
- Complex industrial controllers
- Traffic light
- Control data
- Military applications
- Defense systems
- Computation systems
Applications of Microcontroller
Microcontrollers are mainly used in devices like:
- Mobile phones
- Automobiles
- CD/DVD players
- Washing machines
- Cameras
- Security alarms
- Keyboard controllers
- Microwave oven
- Watches
- Mp3 player
Note: All the above information about What is the Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller, I write best on my experience and knowledge. If you get any mistake and error or If you want to add some information, feel free to comment down below. I will response you within 24 Hours.
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FAQ on Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller
What is MP and MC?
Microprocessor consists of only a Central Processing Unit, whereas Micro Controller contains a CPU, Memory, I/O all integrated into one chip. To get more information about MP and MC read this article very carefully.
Which is better microprocessor or microcontroller?
It is totally depends on you and on your work. If you make any electronics device then you have to use both microcontroller and microprocessor. Because both have different working technique.
What is the relationship between MP and MC?
Microprocessor Memory and I/O have to be connected externally, so the circuit becomes large. Memory and I/O are already present, and the internal circuit is small in Microcontroller.
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