Hi guys, This is the best place for you. Because here in this post I will tell you when you have to change the TV panel? If you are an LCD LED TV user, this post help you to know about when you change your LCD LED TV Panel.
I have also received a lot of comments that When should we replace the LCD LED TV panel? If this type of question comes to your mind, then this post is for you. Because I will tell you very well inside this post, when should the panel of LCD LED TV to be replaced?
Friends, all of you guys will know. Inside the LCD LED TV we get over 90% of Panel related problems. And there are many problems that do not repair properly. For that, we have to change the panel itself. In such a situation, a lot of people think, we do not change the panel and buy a new TV. Because the price of the panel is very high, that is why most of the people thought to buy a new TV.
On this site, I have written a post, where I tell you where the Panel will be found. If you want to know where to buy and where you will get the panel, you can read that post by clicking on the link given below.
When you have to Change the TV Panel?
Friends, I will now tell you when to change your TV Panel. In recent situations, a 70% panel problem will able to fix. But If your panel is not within this 70%, then you have to change the panel of your TV.
If you want to know which 70% panel problem can be fixed, then click on the link given below to know about all that problem.
LCD LED TV All Panel Problem
If your TV panel problem did not come in this 70% panel problem, Then you have only one option that is to install a new panel. For example, suppose your TV has fallen off somewhere and the panel is broken, there is no option but to change your panel at that time. Or If the panel of your TV is broken due to any reason, then at that time you have to change the panel of your TV.
After that, on the second number comes Black Spot inside the panel. This means that when Black Spot will appear inside your panel and it will grow very slowly, then you have to change the panel of your TV. Because this is the Black Spot, it is seen when your panel pixel gets damaged. And there is no way to repair it, except to replace the panel.
The third problem is the Water damage. Even if by mistake you water goes inside the TV, or inside the TV panel, and no picture is visible. So you have to change the panel at that time also. Because when water goes inside the panel, especially inside the panel PCB, then the panel PCB becomes short. Because of which the panel is completely ruined. Even at that time, you have no option except to change the panel.
So guys this is the read reason When you have to Change the TV Panel? If you like this fact of ours, then give your valuable opinion in the comment box below, so that we can get motivation and we can give you even more good facts and information.
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