Guys this post is for How to repair panel mapping problem. Many people face this problem on their TV. And many people request me to share the rearing process of this problem.
This is the first article where you will get details information about the panel mapping problem with the repairing process. After reading this article you do not need another article to remove your confusion.
I have already posted on this site lots of LCD LED complete repairing guide. If you want to read all of those articles click here and start reading.
Way of Getting Panel Mapping Problem
There are have 3 way we get this mapping problem in LCD LED panel. I am going to discuss some way with a complete repairing guide.
Before starting a discussion to repair this problem you have to know about LVDS Signals. You should learn types of LVDS signals and problems of LVDS signals missing.
- Service Menu: This is the first way to fix your mapping problem on your TV. To repair your panel just open the service menu with the help of the service menu code. If you do not have a service menu code just click here and download the service menu code according to your TV model and company.
After open, the service menu, go into video option ⇒ Panel Control ⇒ LVDS Mapping ⇒ Select perfect LVDS output and save it.
After complete the above process your panel mapping problem will fix. If not fix follow the below process.
2. LVDS Signal Matching: This is the 2nd way to fix your mapping problem. In this step you have to do is, check all the LVDS signals with proper connecter. If you have DSO you can check those LVDS signal values. If you get any signal Is missing or not connect all the connections properly you will get this mapping problem.
Basically this problem we will get during install new motherboard and connect LVDS cable. To know the LVDS cable connection click here.
3. T-Con Failure: This is the last way to fix your screen mapping problem. Very completed this process. If you do not have enough knowledge about electronics or electronics components this process is not for you.
To fix the mapping problem through the T con board you have to download the T-Con board datasheet from www.datasheetpdf.com
After download, the datasheet find out the LVDS format pin and check the voltage. If you get 3.3v the cut that track and do 0v but not connect with GND. But If you get 0v then provide 3.3v to that LVDS format pin.
After doing the above process your mapping problem will fix permanently.
NOTE: If you apply this process by yourself and you do not about all these things Dip Electronics LAB not responsible for any kind of damage or loss. So follow this process after know all these things very well.
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