FR8012 IC Datasheet Voltage Chart and Pin details

Hello guys, welcome back to our site. Today here in this post I will provide you FR8012 IC Datasheet Voltage Charte and Pin details. This information will help you to find out circuit voltage leakage and drop voltage. This IC FR8012 most of the time we see on the SONY LED TV panel supply line. If this ic is getting damaged or any failure in this line then NO Display problem appears on the TV display. To fix the NO Display problem because of FR8012 IC failure, at that time you need to test all input and output voltage of the FR8012 IC.

So I have attached all the Voltage details and pin details of FR8012 IC in the form of graphics, which I personally made one by one.


FR8012 IC Pin details

FR8012 IC Datasheet Voltage Chart and Pin details
Pins NumberExplaination
1 & 2Output (OUT)
3 & 4Ground (GND)
5Output (OUT)
6Enable (EN)
7Not Connect (NC)
8Bypass (BP)
FR8012 IC Datasheet Voltage Charte and Pin details

FR8012 IC Voltage Details

FR8012 IC Datasheet Voltage Charte and Pin details
Input19V to 25V
Enable3.3V to 5V

Electronics Repairing and Basic Electronics Related Post

Watch the Video on FR8012 IC Pin details Voltage Explanation

About Dipankar Das

I am a Professional Electronics Technician, Blogger, Youtuber, Social Media Influencer, and founder of Dip Electronics LAB. I have profession on Electronics, PCB Designing, Project Making, Gadgets Repairing and 3D Printing. Keep visiting to get important information.

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