Finally guys today here in this post I will discuss What is VDD voltage in TV panel fully explains. So if you want to know about VDD voltage in detail read this post till the end.
Before I start to discuss what is VDD voltage, I would like to tell about our service. Here I will share my personal repairing experience, which I achieve from my repairing work.
I have work in this repairing field since 2017. And I doing this job as my profession. I mostly focus to fix maximum electronics gadgets and get valuable information from those gadgets circuit boards. Which is help me to understand the electronics circuits better way.
I have already written lots of articles on the electronics gadgets repairing technique. to read those articles just click on the menu and start reading repairing articles.
What is VDD voltage?
VDD stands for Digital Power Supply Voltage. As you know about panel voltage or panel dc to dc voltage. This is the common voltage of TV panel.
Basically this is a drain voltage of MOSFET. When a Mosfet act as their nature this VDD voltage flow through the drain to source.
This VDD voltage standard value is 3.3v. Most of the time we get 3.3v on the VDD voltage point.
If this voltage is not present in the TV panel we will get White display problem.
I have published a detailed article where I was discussing the solution to VDD voltage. this means If you did not VDD voltage in your TV panel then what can you do. if you want to read that article, click on the below-highlighted link.
I hope you get proper information about panel VDD voltage. Still, if you have any kind of confusion feel free to comment down below. I will replay to you as soon as possible.
And must share you opinion to improve our service.
Aslo Read: What is AVDD Voltage?
Also Read: What is VGL Voltage?
Also Read: What is VGH Voltage?
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